Laura Goodenow
Real Women Make Waves is a mantra. No matter how large the ocean or how small the pond, no one should stop you - FEAR should not stop you - from diving in.
For much of my life, I avoided making waves. But still water becomes stagnant. Gratefully, I found mentors to help me splash heart-first into my creative calling.
Real Women Make Waves. It’s a daily reminder and an ongoing aspiration.
As a company, Real Women Make Waves is the amalgamation of my creative energies across myriad disciplines: books, movies, plays, musicals, design, photography... I seek to create my own work, as well as support and encourage other artists through development, production, and/or distribution.
Because, most of all, Real Women Make Waves is an exploration. Of inspiration. Of collaboration. A celebration of everyone’s unique voice - and a way to ensure that voice is heard.